Blog entry 1 & 2

1) I saw a strange dream last night. It was really vivid. I was in my room and everything was blurry and black and white as if filmed from an old camera. Except me and some specific objects like my lamp, a black and golden pen I had and some yellow-ish papers on the floor. There was a black figure at the end of the hallway. Tall and slim and made a strange static sound??? I walked towards it and it grabbed my arm. I felt a terrible pain and woke up at the end of the hallway with papers al around me, a bruised arm and a headache. Either I sleepwalk (which I don't really do????) or it's a co2 poisoning. Either way that's weird af and I need to check the machines in my house. I'll call someone to do that.

2) I took a nap and saw the same thing again as last time, only this time the figure was closer than before I once again walked towards it, it grabbed me and I woke up. This time though I was still on the couch unharmed. The morning bruise is also almost gone. Perhaps it was just sleepwalking.

Update : I am fine. It was just sleepwalking. My doctor told me that if anything strange happens again to contact him.